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Plano Opts for MOTOMESH Quattro system that delivers 4.9GHz Licensed Public Safety Communications Network

PLANO, TX – 7 March 2006 – Residents of Plano, Texas can feel safer knowing that public safety enhancements are currently in the works. Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:MOT) today announced that the City of Plano, Texas will deploy MOTOMESH™, Motorola’s multi-radio broadband and Canopy® backhaul solutions to create a mobility corridor for seamless wireless broadband access across the city. Plano will improve its ability to serve the community by offering secure connectivity to public safety and municipal personnel.

All 200 of the city’s police vehicles will be equipped with continuous, secure access to enhanced wireless data communications. Overall, the system will provide greater situational awareness for officers serving Plano’s 250,000 residents.

“MOTOMESH gives our officers high-speed wireless access to mission critical applications over dedicated and secure 4.9 GHz police frequencies. The ability to access automated field reporting capabilities while the officers are in their vehicles will be invaluable.  We expect the benefits of the system to include increased efficiency, improved responsiveness and greater safety for everyone, including our officers,” said David Stephens, Director of Technology Services for Plano.

Plano, a community located 30 miles north of Dallas, is initially deploying MOTOMESH Quattro access points in “hot spot” fashion, along with network connections provided by Canopy.  The hot spots are being installed to seed the network in this first phase of deployment and are located around public safety and municipal buildings, such as police and fire stations, libraries, city hall and court buildings.  In phase two of the deployment, the network will be expanded into a seamless wireless broadband “cloud” creating a wireless mobility corridor.

The MOTOMESH Quattro multi-radio broadband solution supports up to four radio networks in a single access point, offering a flexible and scalable wireless solution to cities of all sizes.  The MOTOMESH Quattro system combines radios in the unlicensed 2.4 GHz and newly licensed 4.9 GHz public safety spectrum in single network architecture. Municipalities benefit by being able to provide WiFi access to public users, license-free mobile broadband to public works employees, and dedicated licensed network connectivity and security to public safety personnel – all over a single network.  These capabilities enable cost-effective scalability and simplified municipal wireless broadband deployments.

“Plano’s innovation and eagerness to provide true municipal-wide connectivity adds yet another reason why this city is such a highly desirable place to live,” said Richard Licursi, Vice President of Motorola’s Mesh Networks Product Group.  “We welcome Plano to the rapidly growing family of communities that have selected MOTOMESH Quattro as their municipal wireless solution.”

MOTOMESH Quattro, made available earlier this year, is currently being deployed in over a dozen municipalities across the country.  Initially, the deployment in Plano will be used for law enforcement communications. Future expansion plans include broader connectivity for public safety and first responders, such as fire officials and paramedics.

The MOTOMESH Quattro multi-radio broadband network, part of the MOTOwi4™ wireless broadband solutions, supports Motorola’s growing portfolio of seamless mobility offerings for enterprise, public safety and government customers around the world.

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Media Contacts:
Pamela Benke
Motorola, Inc.
+ 407-659-5332

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