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Motorola Mesh Networks Product Offerings

Motorola currently offers a wide range of implementations of its mesh networks technology through the following suite of products.

MOTOMESH Solo • Single Radio Meshed Network with Mobility Enabled Access (MEA)
A complete network solution for mobile broadband and position/location applications. Applications include metro area, mobile broadband for first responders and other city agencies, as well as, instant ad hoc networking for tactical wireless broadband networking at an incident. MOTOMESH Solo systems are operating in nine countries and three continents. These systems can be found in the largest mobile mesh network deployments in the world.

For more information on our MOTOMESH Solo, Single Radio Meshed Network with MEA, click here.

MOTOMESH Duo • Two Radio Meshed WiFi Network
A high performance, meshed WiFi solution designed to meet strict cost per square mile and ROI targets. Part of the MOTOwi4 family of broadband wireless access technologies, MOTOMESH Duo delivers a new level of economic flexibility and investment protection to municipalities and service providers. Available in single or dual radio configurations, it leverages Motorola’s field-proven, MeshConnex routing engine and MeshManager element management system to meet the challenges of demanding multi-use networks. Its small size, minimal visual impact and low power consumption increases mounting location flexibility while achieving high community acceptance.

For more information on our MOTOMESH Duo, Two Radio Meshed WiFi Network, click here.

MOTOMESH Quattro • Four Radio Meshed WiFi Network with Mobility Enabled Access (MEA)
A revolutionary wide area, multi-radio solution that offers the security, capacity and flexibility city’s need. It can deliver mobile broadband access to diverse municipal agencies, as well as, WiFi access to the public. MOTOMESH Quattro architecture supports up to four radio networks in a single access point and is built on Motorola’s proven MEA mobile broadband networking technology.

For more information on our MOTOMESH Quattro, Four Radio Meshed WiFi Network with MEA, click here.

Mesh Camera • Mesh Enabled Wireless Video System
Integrating Motorola's Mobility Enabled Access (MEA) technology directly into Sony's "IPELA" camera has created a solution that is smaller and more cost effective than conventional wireless video systems. Utilizing either licensed 4.9GHz or unlicensed 2.4GHz frequencies, the mesh camera system can be part of a larger MOTOMESH Quattro network, or act as a stand alone video solution. Users can wirelessly access high quality video feeds – even while traveling at highway speeds.

For more information on our Mesh Camera Wireless Video System, click here.

MeshManager • Mesh Network Element Management System
Motorola's MeshManager element management system (EMS) provides a complete solution for configuration, fault, performance and security management for all Motorola mesh networks. Consisiting of a Java based graphical user interface (GUI) and a series of software servers, the MeshManager suite gives you streamlined, point-and-click access to tools needed for complete network configuration and control.

For more information on the MeshManager EMS, click here. 

MeshPlanner • Mesh Network Design Solution
A software solution which enables the efficient and cost effective design of outdoor wireless mesh networks. Optimized for planning networks with the MOTOMESH Duo solution, MeshPlanner provides an easy, yet comprehensive and repeatable approach to designing and verifying networks.

For more information on MeshPlanner, click here. 

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