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Multi-Radio Mobile Broadband

MOTOMESH Quattro is a wide area, multi-radio solution that unprecedented security, capacity and flexibility. MOTOMESH Quattro leverages MEA technology to deliver mobile broadband access to diverse municipal agencies, as well as WiFi access to the public.

MOTOMESH Quattro architecture supports up to four radio networks in a single access point and is built on Motorola’s proven Mobility Enabled Access (MEA) mobile broadband networking technology. MOTOMESH Quattro includes all the benefits offered by MEA technology such as High Performance Routing, Self-forming and Self-healing Networking, and the ability for Instant Ad Hoc Network Formation.

MOTOMESH Quattro architecture provides MEA technology benefits in both licensed and unlicensed spectrum along with all the benefits of a standard WiFi network.

Licensed 4.9GHz & Unlicensed 2.4GHz Frequencies
Every MOTOMESH Quattro access point contains two standards compliant 802.11 (WiFi) radios and two of Motorola’s widely acclaimed MEA mobile broadband radios. One set of WiFi and MEA radios operate in the unlicensed 2.4GHz band, and the other operates in the 4.9GHz public safety band.

Delivers Seamless Mobility
Seamless broadband data connectivity is available throughout the network to both stationary and mobile MEA users. MOTOMESH Quattro enables real-time, remote monitoring of in-vehicle video, even when traveling up to 200 mph.

MEA Users Can Form Instant Tactical Data Networks
MEA’s Multi-Hopping capabilities allow client devices to form instant, ad hoc broadband networks where no predeployed infrastructure exists. Each MEA radio acts as a router/repeater for all other MEA devices in the network. MEA users can “hop” through neighboring devices to communicate with each other – or to reach distant network access points that can connect them to other data and voice networks.

Built-in Position Location Awareness
Patented position location technology is built into every MEA device. Using this technology, users know where they are and can instantly find out where any other user is, without having to rely on GPS satellites. This means that location can be determined in places that GPS satellite signals cannot penetrate, like urban canyons, inside buildings, tunnels, or other obstructions. Users can be located in less than one second, providing quick and accurate location information for personnel or asset tracking.

MOTOMESH Quattro, Multi-Radio Broadband Technology

MOTOMESH Quattro architecture provides public safety secure and dedicated 4.9 GHz mobile broadband access to databases, reports, and video – even when traveling at highway speed while offering the same benefits to Public Safety personnel in unlicensed 2.4GHz spectrum.

In addition, MOTOMESH Quattro multi-radio broadband technology combines WiFi architecture to provide residents with WiFi access in local hotspots, public transportation or across the entire city.

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