Case Studies

MeshNetworks is currently deploying mobile broadband network solutions for a variety of customers in the United States and all over the world.   The case studies below present a snapshot of these deployments .

These and future case studies will show how MeshNetworks' solutions exceed end user expectations  and deliver a rapid return on investment.

Portsmouth, UK
PORTAL - Portsmouth Real Time Traveller Information System

In England, the Portsmouth City Council officially inaugurated their PORTAL (Portsmouth Real Time Traveler Information System) network on October 7th 2004, which now provides bus route and travel information to customers at bus stops throughout the area. Customers aalsso have access to the internet via LCD screens at each stop.

Portsmouth’s goal is to reduce the 1.5 million car journeys in and out of the island city by increasing comfort on the public bus system, providing timely and accurate bus arrival and departure information and improving public awareness and confidence in the services being provided.

Charlotte Atkins, MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Department for Transport attended the opening ceremony at which Mr. Paul Mueller, Vice President of Sales for MeshNetworks, was invited to speak.

Charlotte Atkins, MP addresses the audience Paul Mueller, VP Sales MeshNetworks
adds his congratulations to the PCC

Case Study: Portsmouth, UK -
"PORTAL - Portsmouth Real Time Traveller Information System"

Medford, OR • Medford Mobilizes Wireless Workforce

Medford, Oregon has a population of 70,000 and is growing fast due to its desirable location on the border with California. Like most cities in the country, Medford was depending on the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD) network for data communications with its public safety and public works personnel while they were in their vehicles. However, in mid-2003, the local cellular carrier informed the city that the CDPD network would be shut down and a new, next generation system call General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) would be deployed to take its place.

The City conducted trials of the GPRS system but found it wanting in several ways. The Technological Services Department (TSD) responsible for the city’s wireless communications knew there had to be a better solution out there. The soltuion, it would turn out, was MeshNetworks' MEA mobile broadband.

Case Study: Medford, Oregon -
"Medford Mobilizes Wireless Workforce"

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