Mesh-Enabled Solutions for Sensor Networks

Low power, energy efficient radios and processors have made all types of sensor networks a reality. Sensor networks are typically defined as a device that produces a measurable response to a change in physical condition (such as temperature) or in chemical condition (such as concentration). Industrial Controls have also been added to the list of general concepts for sensor networks, since they share many of their characteristics.

Typical Defining Characteristics of a Sensor Network

  • Made up of hundreds or thousands small autonomous nodes
  • Use wireless technology to communicate
  • Require low data rates, from a few bps to a few Kbps
  • Subject to energy/power constraints (i.e. battery operated)
  • Interfaced into control or monitoring systems
  • Necessitate low latency and survivable communications

Recently, the concepts of high data rate (i.e. imaging or video sensors) and even mobile sensor nets are being discussed and trialed.

Fortunately, ad hoc networking (meshing) in general, and MeshNetworks technology in particular, can greatly enhance the performance, lower energy requirements, and improve survivability of sensor nets.

MeshNetworks’ MeshConnex™ software leverages the features and benefits of MeshNetworks Enabled Architecture (MEA™) technology and brings them to industry standard 802.xx radio platforms. It can support the scalability, data rates and mobility of the most demanding sensor networks, while offering low latency and self-forming, self-healing routing.


  • Chemical, Bio, Nuclear Detection and Monitoring
  • Traffic Observation, Detection and Management
  • Industrial Control Systems
  • Portable and Mobile Site Monitors
  • Security and Video Monitoring Systems

For additional features and benefits of MeshNetworks solutions for sensor networks click here.

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