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Citywide Mobile Mesh Network Helps Deliver Fast ROI by Providing High-Speed Data and Video to Public Safety, Public Works and Other City Agencies

Ripon, CA – June 7, 2005 – The city of Ripon has selected Motorola’s (NYSE: MOT) Mesh Networking solution for its citywide mobile broadband system. The mobile mesh system will be used to enhance public safety by enabling high-speed access to mission critical information, including county criminal justice databases, Amber Alerts, and the county mug shot and fingerprint system (CAL-ID). In addition, the system will deliver large data transfers and live video to police officers in the field, providing them with greater situational awareness.

The Ripon Police Department (RPD) will use the Motorola Mesh Network solution to replace lower-speed cellular data connections that could not support police officer access to large data and video files in the field. The new network will give RPD officers mobile broadband connections to crucial data, as well as real-time video feeds from cameras within schools, public buildings and other sensitive areas, even when officers are in patrol cars and are traveling at highway speeds. After an extensive evaluation of metroarea wireless broadband solutions, the city of Ripon concluded that Motorola’s mesh network system --- born out of battlefield wireless communications technology --- was cost-effective and provided excellent high-speed mobility, security, and reliability.

“Police patrol and investigating units’ effectiveness can be limited by lack of up-to the minute information. However, this system will provide access to a wide range of mission critical information to the officers in the field,” said Richard A. Bull, City of Ripon Chief of Police. “Motorola’s mesh network will give our officers situational intelligence that enables them to act faster and more effectively. It will also bring other benefits to the community. Its proven scalability and interoperability features will allow us to quickly roll out the network to the fire department, public works and other municipal agencies.”

Other city agencies will also benefit from Motorola’s wireless broadband system:

  • Real-time monitoring of city wells and pump station data can be collected and sent to public works supervisors and mobile field units.
  • Government vehicles fitted with the high-speed mesh will benefit from the networks’ built-in position and location capability enabling the deployment of an Automatic Vehicle Location system without the city having to purchase GPS equipment. This unique capability will allow dispatchers to task the closest mobile police units to incidents and allow them to keep track of the units during critical incidents and emergencies.

Ripon city officials anticipate further use of the network to include community internet hotspots and public access information centers. The Ripon Consolidated Fire District is also planning on using the technology to enable vehicle tracking and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping of hazardous material storage areas, utility infrastructure locations and to create tactical plans for commercial building responses.

“Ripon is a great example of how city governments can better serve their communities with wireless communications technology and get a positive return on their investment.” said Juergen Stark, Corporate Vice President at Motorola. “By leveraging a highperformance mesh network across multiple municipal agencies, the city can costeffectively roll out new mobile broadband services that can lead to increased productivity and lower operating costs.”

Lockheed Martin Corporation will provide the systems integration and installation services for the Ripon mesh network deployment.

About Motorola Mesh Networks Products
Motorola’s Mesh Networks technology was originally developed for the military battlefield in order to provide instant, ad-hoc communication networks where fixed infrastructure was not available or deployable. As a result, users receive a robust mobile broadband communications network that is self-forming and self-healing. The technology is capable of delivering seamless broadband data connections and real-time video transfers to vehicles moving at highways speeds. Motorola’s unique Multi-Hopping® technology turns every mesh-enabled user into a router/repeater, so every user makes the network stronger. It also allows users to hop through each other and form instant ad hoc peer-to-peer networks among themselves, anytime, anywhere. The system also features fast and accurate tracking capabilities without relying on GPS equipment or satellites.

About Motorola
Motorola is a Fortune 100 global communications leader that provides seamless mobility products and solutions across broadband, embedded systems and wireless networks.  In your home, auto, workplace and all spaces in between, seamless mobility means you can reach the people, things and information you need, anywhere, anytime.  Seamless mobility harnesses the power of technology convergence and enables smarter, faster, cost-effective and flexible communication.  Motorola had sales of US $31.3 billion in 2004.  For more information:


Media Contacts:
Pamela Benke
Motorola, Inc.
+ 407-659-5332

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