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Municipal Wireless
Law Enforcement
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Delivering Seamless Mobility

Motorola’s Mesh Networking Solutions enables users to wirelessly access broadband applications anywhere, at any time –even while in a moving vehicle. Access to high speed data and video applications is provided via predeployed infrastructure, or by creating an instant, broadband network with other users.

Motorola’s proven and patented high performance mesh technology has taken the network architecture found in the wired Internet, and made it mobile.   Self-forming and self-healing routing allows wireless devices to become the network, offering a towerless, broadband, solution.

Even when traveling at speeds over 200mph, Motorola’s mesh networking solutions delivers seamless mobility for a wide variety of applications.

Municipal Broadband Solutions

Motorola’s Mesh Networking Solutions can deliver mobile broadband access to diverse municipal agencies, as well as WiFi access to the public. By leveraging technology developed for battlefield communications, Motorola’s Mesh Networks Solutions supports high-speed data, video and position location services for fixed and mobile users.

In a Motorola Mesh Network the data links automatically self-form and self-heal between users and network infrastructure. Because every access point is meshed, backhaul, deployment and operational costs are reduced which helps municipalities offer the security, capacity and flexibility cities need at a cost effective price.

Public Safety, Public Works, Enterprise & Industrial Markets

By leveraging technology developed for battlefield communications, Motorola’s Mesh Networks offer high performance routing, automatic network formation and superb reliability for a wide variety of network applications. Government, industry and enterprise IT leaders can leverage Motorola’s advanced mesh and radio  technology into their wireless communication initiatives via a suite of MEA and MOTOMESH Quattro mobile broadband products.

Motorola’s Mesh Networking Solutions can improve cost effectiveness for the following Public Safety, Public Works, Enterprise and Industrial Markets:

Public Safety
Emergency Response, Fire and Rescue
Law Enforcement

Public Works
Road & Infrastructure Maintenance
Code Enforcement

Mining Operations and Safety
Sensor’s and Process Control
Hazmat Security and Monitoring

Intelligent Transportation Management
Private Security and Video Surveillance

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