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Drug Forfeitures Afford Riviera Beach to Join Over a Dozen Cities Deploying MOTOMESH Quattro for City-Wide Wireless Connectivity

Riviera Beach, FL – January 23, 2006 – Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced general availability of MOTOMESH Quattro, its multi-radio, high performance mesh networking system that delivers a total municipal wireless communications solution.  The system addresses the needs of public safety, public works and public access in a single network by leveraging multiple radios in both licensed and unlicensed frequency bands.  Motorola also announced that the city of Riviera Beach, FL has been added to the list of over a dozen municipalities to deploy MOTOMESH Quattro as its metro-area wireless network.

The MOTOMESH™ multi-radio broadband solution, whose architecture supports up to four radio networks in a single access point, enables complete municipal-wide wireless connectivity.  By combining radios in the unlicensed 2.4GHz and the newly licensed 4.9GHz public safety spectrum in single network architecture, MOTOMESH Quattro allows municipalities to provide WiFi access to public users, license-free mobile broadband to public works users, and dedicated licensed network connectivity and security to public safety users over a single network.

“By delivering state-of-the-art applications into the field, officers have the resources they need to proactively reduce crime and serve the Riviera Beach community,” said Riviera Beach Chief of Police Clarence Williams.  “With MOTOMESH Quattro we have the ability to expand the network to bring on other municipal agencies, as well as provide residents, businesses and tourists with wireless internet access in the future.  This flexibility allows us to more efficiently address the needs of our citizens while staying within our budget.”

Since MOTOMESH Quattro supports the newly licensed 4.9GHz public safety band in addition to municipal WiFi, it can qualify for grants available through homeland security funding, as well as other public safety related grants.  The Riviera Beach Police Department (RBPD) was able to utilize seized drug money to purchase the MOTOMESH Quattro system and reduce the city’s dependence on low-speed cellular data services.  The new mesh system offers higher-speed connections and is able to support the mission critical data and video needs of officers in the field.  For example, the MOTOMESH Quattro network allows RBPD officers to monitor high-quality video feeds from cameras placed in heavy traffic and high-crime areas.  Officers also now have mobile broadband access to county criminal justice databases, Amber Alerts, and the county mug shot and fingerprint system (CAL-ID).

The MOTOMESH Quattro system also allows RBPD officers and other first responders to better prepare and react to hurricanes and other disasters.  In addition, the RBPD plans to form a partnership with local officials from the Department of Homeland Security and the Port of Palm Beach to achieve an entire metro-area deployment of Motorola’s mesh technology.

“Riviera Beach’s creative approach to funding and deploying a mesh-enabled video and data system demonstrates the forward thinking that is needed to keep our communities safe and secure,” said Richard Licursi, Vice President of Motorola’s Mesh Networks Product Group. “Motorola is excited to provide Riviera Beach with the tools it needs to achieve seamless mobility for mission critical and community critical broadband access.”

A Technical View of MOTOMESH Quattro
Every MOTOMESH Quattro access point contains two standards-based 802.11 (WiFi) radios and two of Motorola's widely acclaimed Mobility Enabled Access (MEA®) mobile broadband radios. One set of WiFi and MEA radios operate in the unlicensed 2.4GHz band, and one set operates in the licensed 4.9GHz public safety band. This minimizes potential interference between first responders and public WiFi users and enhances the security of mission critical communications.  Many competing solutions rely on “virtual private networking,” which means municipal workers, first responders and the public have to compete with each other for bandwidth and access over an unlicensed WiFi network.  MOTOMESH Quattro allows municipalities to serve diverse communities of interest without the risk of public WiFi users interfering with Public Safety users.

Users equipped with MEA radios can also form wireless broadband networks directly between themselves, by leveraging MEA’s client meshing capabilities that enable instant tactical networks to be formed on demand. Users do not have to set-up or pre-engineer these instant networks since the mesh is self-forming and self-healing.  In addition, Motorola’s unique Multi-Hopping® technology turns each user into a router/repeater, allowing them to hop through other users to reach MOTOMESH Quattro access points.  As a result, every user makes the network stronger - extending network coverage and creating more data paths through the network. As with all MEA radio based systems, fast and accurate tracking capabilities are available without the use of GPS satellites.  This feature can improve asset deployment and management around the city or at an incident. Together, Motorola’s one of a kind Multi-Hopping, client meshing and inherent position location capabilities offer a complete incident communications solution, anytime and anywhere. 

About Motorola Mesh Networks Product Group
Motorola’s mesh networking technology was originally developed for the military battlefield in order to provide instant, ad-hoc communication networks where fixed infrastructure was not available or deployable.  As a result, users receive a robust mobile broadband communications network that is self-forming and self-healing.  The technology is capable of delivering seamless broadband data connections and real-time video transfers to vehicles moving at highways speeds.  Motorola’s unique Multi-Hopping® technology turns every mesh-enabled user into a router/repeater, so every user makes the network stronger. It also allows users to hop through each other and form instant ad hoc peer-to-peer networks among themselves, anytime, anywhere. The system also features fast and accurate tracking capabilities without relying on GPS equipment or satellites.

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications.  Inspired by our vision of Seamless Mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you get and stay connected simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need.  We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services.  A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $36.8 billion in 2005. For more information:


Media Contacts:
Pamela Benke
Motorola, Inc.
+ 407-659-5332

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