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Mobile Virtual Private Network (Mobile VPN) Delivers Secure, Seamless Connectivity to Public Safety and Government Workers with Intelligent Routing Across Wireless Networks

Schaumburg, IL – 6 March 2006 – Motorola, Inc. (NYSE:MOT) today announced Multi-Net Mobility™, a mobile VPN solution that is designed to deliver secure connectivity, session persistence, and intelligent routing while users roam wireless networks.

Multi-Net Mobility, based on standard Mobile IP protocol, provides end-to-end data encryption for text, image and video applications while operating across a variety of public and private networks, including Motorola’s MOTOMESH™ multi-radio broadband wireless network, 802.11 WiFi, and public carrier networks.  MOTOMESH Quattro, which supports both the unlicensed 2.4GHz and the newly-licensed 4.9GHz public safety spectrum in single network architecture, together with Multi-Net Mobility, offer secure, interoperable, mobile broadband to meet the needs of users on the move.

Roaming between wireless data networks is continuous and transparent to the end user, allowing application sessions to remain open through network interruptions or roaming transitions, and maintaining productivity without sacrificing security.  Multi-Net Mobility can set application priority using Quality of Service (QoS) capability, helping to ensure that mission critical applications and latency-sensitive multimedia content are prioritized through the network.

Multi-Net Mobility also interoperates with a wide range of devices and IP applications, from video monitoring and location tracking, to alarm detection, fingerprint identification and license plate recognition.  Through managing application access across overlapping broadband and narrowband network coverage, Multi-Net Mobility maximizes available network use, enabling applications to run faster when in broadband coverage, while also optimizing narrowband use for lower-bandwidth data applications.

Multi-Net Mobility was developed to address mobile connectivity and interoperability needs across a variety of public safety and government customer environments.  The solution provides optimum performance and flexibility for the demands of field users who often require mobile access to back-office databases, rapid information sharing and multimedia functionality, including video surveillance.

“Multi-Net Mobility addresses the need to send and receive actionable, real-time information remotely,” said Nick Rendone, Vice President, Motorola Data Solutions Operation.  “And when customers combine Multi-Net Mobility with our MOTOMESH Quattro network, you see a truly mobile worker emerge – with anytime, anywhere high-speed wireless connectivity and immediate access to mission critical applications on either public or private networks.”

IT managers are increasingly faced with multiple operating environments, security policies, and applications that change rapidly and vary greatly across user communities.

“Our customers are asking for ways to connect secure data communications with mobile functionality,” said Rendone.  “Multi-Net Mobility was developed to answer this need in a way that allows critical applications to remain open and in use while roaming across jurisdictions and network boundaries.”

Multi-Net Mobility meets U.S. government and public safety security requirements with always-on authentication and encryption, regardless of the network used.  When wireless networks are temporarily unavailable, Multi-Net Mobility keeps the application and information open and “on hold” until the next wireless network is located and the session is automatically resumed.  This eliminates the need to re-start an application when roaming between wireless carriers or encountering network interruptions.

Because Multi-Net Mobility provides fast, real-time access to critical information while maintaining session persistence, the solution helps increase worker safety, operational effectiveness and productivity in the field.

Multi-Net Mobility supports MOTOMESH Quattro and the family of MOTOwi4™ wireless broadband solutions, and is part of Motorola’s growing portfolio of seamless mobility solutions for public safety and government customers.   For more information on Multi-Net Mobility, visit and click on “Multi-Net Mobility.”

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of Seamless Mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you get and stay connected simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $36.8 billion in 2005
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Media Contacts:
Heather Robinson
Motorola, Inc.
+ 847-576-1638

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