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Motorola Cable MESH Wirelessly Extends the Reach of DOCSIS® Infrastructure, Enabling Providers to Offer City-Wide Broadband Access

The Motorola Cable MESH solution enables MSO's to cost-effectively provide residential and public services over wireless infrastructure

DENVER – 20 June 2006 – Underscoring its leadership and innovation in broadband and wireless, Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today introduced a new wireless services solution based on the company’s proven mobile broadband networking platform that enables cable operators to utilize their existing HFC infrastructure to easily deploy Wi-Fi® coverage throughout metropolitan areas.

The new Motorola Cable MESH solution can efficiently expand the coverage of the hybrid-fiber coax (HFC) broadband network without running new cable, enabling seamless, wireless access to broadband IP services outside of the home. With Cable MESH, cable operators can provide seamless, high-speed broadband connectivity without the need for a wired connection.

Motorola will showcase the Cable MESH solution at the 2006 Cable-Tec Expo. (20-23 June, Colorado Convention Center, Denver), where Motorola is exhibiting at Booth 168.

Cable MESH can extend an operators’ brand and services beyond the bounds of their wired network, and open up new opportunities to provide out-of-home services for subscribers and municipalities. The solution leverages technology developed for Motorola’s MOTOMESH Duo products. The ability of Cable MESH to work seamlessly with MOTOMESH Duo enables MSOs to leverage a municipality’s streetlights, traffic lights, and other infrastructure as wireless mounting sites, extending wireless coverage beyond the reach of their HFC infrastructure. MOTOMESH Duo, the latest addition to the MOTOwi4™ family of broadband wireless access technologies, is currently deployed in the City of Apopka, Florida.

Together with MOTOMESH Duo, Motorola Cable MESH forms a seamless wireless “mesh” that enables operators to capitalize on the generated synergies to meet strict performance and cost per square mile targets. The architecture enables links between users and the network to automatically self-form and self-heal, providing uninterrupted wireless access and continuous security as users move between access points. This mesh architecture can reduce backhaul, deployment, and operational costs while improving throughput and coverage area.

The product consists of a standards-compliant 802.11b/g client access operating at 2.4 GHz, and an 802.11a radio operating at 5.8 GHz for mesh backhaul. Additionally, Cable MESH can support the delivery of mobile broadband access to diverse municipal agencies.

“With the Cable MESH solution, Motorola is enabling cable operators to quickly extend the reach of their networks outside of the home, without sacrificing the quality, reliability, or security they’ve come to expect from Motorola DOCSIS®-based products,” said Charles Dougherty, Motorola corporate vice president and general manager, Connected Home Solutions. “Now, operators can quickly and cost-effectively establish secure WiFi clouds, opening up new revenue opportunities from their existing data network investment.”

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of Seamless Mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you get and stay connected simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need.  We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences, and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $36.8 billion in 2005. For more information about our company, our people and our innovations, please visit

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Media Contact:
Paul Alfieri
Motorola, Inc.

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