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Los Angeles Deploys Motorola's MOTOMESH™ Network for Public Safety and Wireless Connectivity

Motorola technology helps improve community safety and bridge digital divide

LOS ANGELES – March 16, 2007 – Motorola, Inc (NYSE: MOT) today joined Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Chief of Police William Bratton to unveil a municipal wireless network and video surveillance system in the city's Jordan Downs public housing complex. The wireless network is a part of a project designed to help curb criminal activity and provide a safe environment for residents in one of the city's most notorious high-crime public housing areas. The system also eventually will expand to supply public wireless broadband access to residents and schools in the area.

The deployment was spearheaded by the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) in a partnership with the United States Department of Justice and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Easy to deploy, scalable and cost-effective, the network encompasses 10 wireless video surveillance cameras and the Motorola MOTOMESH Quattro network. MOTOMESH Quattro is a multi-radio wireless broadband network that provides WiFi access for the public and enables first responders with critical communications through separate, dedicated and secure access. The Motorola Canopy(R) wireless broadband solution provides backhaul for the network.

The network provides public safety users with wireless broadband access to critical applications and live video surveillance feeds using Motorola Mobile Video Sharing. With Mobile Video Sharing, officers are able to use their laptop computers or handheld devices to pan across surveillance locations and even zoom in and out on suspected criminal activity, allowing the officers to increase situational awareness and presence in the community. Additionally, Los Angeles city fire units that respond to calls in Jordan Downs will also have access to video feeds provided by the system. The network will also be used to provide residents and public schools in the Jordan Downs area with WiFi access to the Internet.

"Motorola's wireless broadband network allows our officers to have information when they need it most to manage an incident, to inform first responders as they arrive at a scene aware of what they will face, and to use video to size up an uncertain situation," said Chief Bratton. "Since the cameras were installed, major crime has dropped 32 percent in Jordan Downs in the last two months, compared to the same period last year."

A complete end-to-end solution, MOTOMESH Quattro leverages Motorola's patented mesh networking technology to provide visibility in key areas and extend analysis capabilities by recording events for evidentiary and scenario planning use.

"Los Angeles Police Department officials now have access to real-time information to help prevent situations from occurring or escalating. The ability to share critical data with other first responders, security, and operations agencies further enables quick and effective response to situations," said Rick Neal, North America's vice president of strategy and business development for Motorola. "We are excited to leverage our experience in deploying outdoor mesh networks to help bridge the digital divide for residents and government workers in Jordan Downs."

The MOTOMESH Quattro system supports up to four radio networks in a single access point. It enables complete municipal-wide wireless connectivity in both 4.9GHz licensed and 2.4GHz unlicensed frequencies, allowing municipalities to serve diverse communities of interest without the risk of interference. The MOTOMESH Quattro radio architecture allows municipalities to provide dedicated bandwidth, network connectivity and security for municipal WiFi, public works and public safety users over a single integrated wireless infrastructure, supporting eGovernment initiatives.

MOTOMESH Quattro and Canopy are part of the Motorola MOTOwi4(TM) portfolio of wireless broadband solutions and services that create, complement and complete IP networks. Delivering IP coverage to virtually all spaces, MOTOwi4 includes wi4 Fixed, wi4 Mesh, wi4 Broadband over Powerline, and wi4 WiMAX solutions for private and public networks.

The Event
The network will be announced and demonstrated today, March 16, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. PDT simultaneously at the Jordan Downs public housing district and the LAPD's South East division station. Mayor Villaraigosa and Chief Bratton will be joined by Motorola officials to unveil the network to residents.

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.9 billion in 2006.

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Media Contact:
Paul Alfieri
Motorola, Inc.

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