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Motorola Collaborates with Top Vendors to Build Industry’s Most Comprehensive Wireless Broadband Application Portfolio

Motorola’s MOTOwi4™ Ready Application Ecosystem expands to include wireless video surveillance solutions

Orlando, Fla. – CTIA Wireless 2007 – 28 March 2007 – Motorola, Inc (NYSE: MOT) today announced the launch of the MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem, Motorola’s portfolio of applications for municipal and enterprise wireless networks. This program offers application solutions that are ready for use on deployments of MOTOwi4 broadband wireless networks. Motorola also announced the availability of municipal video solutions for surveillance that include mesh-enabled Sony IPELA cameras, video management solutions (VMS) and video sharing technologies.

The MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem connects Motorola’s wireless broadband access technologies – Mesh, Canopy®, Point-to-Point and eventually WiMAX – to a comprehensive range of applications. Whether it’s integrating wireless parking meter reading to increase city revenue, incorporating video surveillance to support crime reduction or expanding wireless access across the digital divide, the program will provide the applications needed and verified for the MOTOwi4 network.

“Municipalities and service providers are seeking solutions that take a comprehensive approach to supporting the business case for municipal wireless networks.” said Roberta Wiggins, research fellow in Yankee Group’s Enabling Technologies Service Provider group. “The Motorola MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem is designed to combine broadband wireless hardware with applications that address this need.”

Broad Application Portfolio Plus Experienced Deployment Support
Motorola also provides customers with access to outdoor network experts, well versed in the parameters that impact successful deployments who are able to support the design, installation and delivery of the network and the chosen applications.

“Our authorized resellers have made several deployments that integrate our IPELA video surveillance cameras directly with Motorola’s hardware. These seamless solutions help meet customers’ needs without the confusion of dealing with multiple vendors, essentially giving them one place to get everything to achieve their required return on investment,” said Yoshi Hirano, Sony Electronics’ senior marketing manager for security products, a MOTOwi4 Ready vendor. “The MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem helps us to have a much broader presence in front of potential municipal wireless customers than we would otherwise. The program also helps us to position our cameras with a market leader in wireless broadband technologies.”

The MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem expands Motorola’s extensive experience with third party application developer programs to include companies creating solutions for wireless broadband networks. “It’s no secret that applications often drive the business case for installations, which is why we are putting together the applications and hardware that create the solutions customers want,” said Jim Welch, vice president wireless broadband products, Motorola Networks & Enterprise. “We’re excited to work with such a large group of industry leading application vendors to create one of the largest and most versatile wireless broadband network solutions available.”

Delivering IP applications across customer segments and technologies, the Motorola MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem supports Motorola access technologies including Mesh, Point-to-Point, Canopy and eventually WiMAX solutions for private and public networks. The ecosystem leverages Motorola’s 75 plus years of experience to create the industry’s largest and most reliable offering of wireless broadband applications for municipal wireless networks. Further information about the Motorola MOTOwi4 Ready Application Ecosystem can be found at: Solution providers interested in being considered as a Motorola MOTOwi4 Ready vendor should visit:

About Motorola
Motorola is known around the world for innovation and leadership in wireless and broadband communications. Inspired by our vision of seamless mobility, the people of Motorola are committed to helping you connect simply and seamlessly to the people, information, and entertainment that you want and need. We do this by designing and delivering "must have" products, "must do" experiences and powerful networks -- along with a full complement of support services. A Fortune 100 company with global presence and impact, Motorola had sales of US $42.9 billion in 2006.

Media Contact:
Pam Benke
Motorola, Inc

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