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MOTOMESH Solo • Single Radio Meshed Network with Mobility Enabled Access (MEA)

Motorola offers a complete line of hardware components and software applications for the rapid deployment of high performance and scalable mobile broadband networks. These products have been deployed in a wide range of applications, including public safety, transportation and municipal mobile broadband networks.

This mobile broadband network solution combines the scalable, high performance and patented mobile ad hoc networking found in our Mobility Enabled Access (MEA) technology with our high-performance QDMA radio. The result is a cost-effective, survivable, self-forming and self-healing wireless network solution for mission critical communications.

Click on the Diagram below for an interactive tour of
Motorola's MOTOMSEH Solo solution.
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For a PDF overview of our MOTOMESH Solo, Single Radio Meshed Network, click here.

Our MOTOMSEH Solo solution is made up of six hardware and software elements: the WMC 6300 - Wireless Modem Card, the MWR 6300 - Mesh Wireless Router, an IAP6300 - Intelligent Access Point, EWR6300 - Enhanced Wireless Router, PWR6300 - Portable Wireless Router, VMM6300 - Vehicle Mounted Modem, MiSC - Mobile Internet Switching Controller, and the MeshManager EMS.

For a full list of MOTOMSEH Solo product benefits, click here.

WMC6300 - Wireless Modem Card

Motorola offers a complete Wireless Modem Card in a PCMCIA form factor. By simply inserting the wireless modem card, up to 6 Mbps burst data rates for streaming audio and video, fast and accurate position location, and voice services can be added to any device with a PCMCIA card slot.

Wireless Modem Cards can also act as Wireless Routers in a MOTOMESH Solo network. This increases network robustness and coverage at no additional cost.

Clients with Wireless Modem Cards can instantly form Multi-Hopping, ad hoc, peer-to-peer, broadband networks - without using any network infrastructure.

Wireless Modem Cards also provide:

  • Over-The-Air network management
  • End-to-end industry standard IP support
  • Position location and navigation services without GPS

Product Information Sheet:
Wireless Modem Card (WMC6300)
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MWR6300 - Mesh Wireless Router

The Wireless Router is a small, low-cost, wireless device that is primarily deployed to provide wireless coverage in large geographic areas, campuses or in-building applications. It enables non-line-of-sight communications between Clients and Intelligent Access Points (IAP), in a MOTOMESH Solo network.

Wireless Routers are typically used to seed new network deployments to ensure sufficient coverage while the client population is growing.

Wireless Routers also provide:

  • Range extension between the client and IAPs
  • Fixed reference points for position location services
  • Coverage in hotspot/in-building applications

Product Information Sheet:
Mesh Wireless Router (MWR6300)
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IAP6300 - Intelligent Access Point

In a MOTOMESH Solo network, the Intelligent Access Point is a small, low-cost device that acts as the transition point from the wireless network to the wired world. Each IAP offers a maximum burst rate of up to 6 Mbps that can be used for voice, video and data communications.

If greater network capacity is required, additional IAPs can be easily deployed - without the need for extensive RF or site planning. The location of IAPs is non-critical due to the self-forming, self-healing and self-balancing nature of the MOTOMESH Solo network.

IAPs also provide:

  • Local network management of wireless routers and client devices
  • Fixed reference point for position location services
  • Mobility management

Product Information Sheet:
Intelligent Access Point (IAP6300)
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EWR6300 - Enhanced Wireless Router

The Enhanced Wireless Router (EWR) is deployed to provide wireless coverage in large geographic areas while providing wireless network access to one or more IP devices via its built-in RJ45 Ethernet port. The EWR efficiently combines the functionality of a Motorola Wireless Router and client modem in a single, cost-effective, wireless network component.

Enhanced Wireless Routers Also Provide:

• Range extension between clients and IAPs
• Fixed reference points for position location services
• Up to 3 assignable IP addresses

VMM6300 - Vehicle Mounted Modem

Compact and ruggedly designed, the Motorola Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM) turns a vehicle into a mobile office. Mobile Data Terminals (MDT), IP video cameras, and other IP ready devices can access a high-speed, mobile broadband network via a standard RJ45 Ethernet Port. This low cost, high performance, wireless modem supports up to 6 Mbps burst data rates at speeds of over 100 mph.

The VMM provides high bandwidth access to mission-critical information on the move. Remote database inquiries, on-scene report submission, multi-megabyte file transfers and live video streams help make field personnel more efficient.

Like all MOTOMESH products, the VMM acts as a wireless router/repeater – automatically extending the range, robustness and performance of the wireless network.

Product Information Sheet:
Vehicle Mounted Modem (VMM)
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PWR6300 - Portable Wireless Router

The Portable Wireless Router (PWR) is deployed to provide wireless network access to one or more IP devices via a standard, RJ45 Ethernet port, while providing wireless access over large geographic areas. The PWR efficiently combines the functionality of a Motorola Wireless Router and subscriber modem in a single, cost-effective, wireless network component.

Portable Wireless Routers Also Provide:

• Range extension between clients and IAPs
• Fixed reference points for position location services
• Up to 3 assignable IP addresses

MiSC - Mobile Internet Switching Controller

The MiSC system provides routing, switching and management functions. It also supplies the connection to the wired world. MiSC hardware is comprised of off-the-self components; packet gateways and routers, optional VoIP gateways, and application network servers.

System administrators can monitor and maintain their networks via MeshManager software. It provides all the tools needed to provision and manage clients and network infrastructure. MeshManager runs on off-the-shelf servers.

The MiSC System Also Provides:

  • Subscriber & device authentication and authorization
  • Operations, Administration, Management, and Provisioning (OAM&P) services
  • Inter/Intra-system mobility management

MeshManager EMS -
Element Management System

The MeshManager element management system (EMS) provides a complete solution for configuration, fault, performance and security management for all Motorola mesh networks. Consisting of a Java™ based graphical user interface (GUI) and a series of software servers, the MeshManager suite gives you streamlined, point-and-click access to the tools needed for complete network configuration and control.

Product Information Sheet:
MeshManager EMS
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