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Mesh Positioning System (MPS™) Solutions

MPS technology offers 3-D position, location and tracking capabilities without the use of GPS Satellites.

Fast and Accurate
MPS technology leverages patented position location and determination methods built into our QDMA™ radio, as well as sophisticated, but CPU efficient, heuristic processing. The core elements of MPS technology can be added to other radio platforms. MPS-enhanced products allow you to determine your own position or the position of any other user without the use of GPS satellites. Position location information is generated quickly and accurately, in less than one second, even at speeds in excess of 150mph!

No GPS Required
Since MPS doesn’t rely on satellites, it works in both exterior and interior locations where GPS will not. Position location is determined utilizing sophisticated time of flight and triangulation information by using other devices in the network as reference points. These features are available in both infrastructure and ad hoc peer-to-peer networks. Unique and powerful applications for military, public safety, telematics and m-commerce applications can be built with MPS products and technologies.

Works Where GPS Doesn’t
MPS has been proven to perform in buildings, even collapsed structures. GPS technology can’t begin match this level of performance. Precise location within a structure can be displayed via absolute positioning (i.e. geo-referenced coordinates) or relative positioning (distance from other nodes or users).

Supports Network and Client Based Applications
The position location of all clients and infrastructure nodes can be monitored in real-time from a network operations center. Clients can also instantly determine their own location. All position location data is presented in industry standard format - so MPS data (absolute location information) works seamlessly with any GPS based application.

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