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Communicate. Locate. Interoperate.
Mesh-Enabled Solutions for Law Enforcement Agencies

Motorola makes any Law Enforcement vehicle equipped with a laptop or handheld computer a mobile office. Officers get real-time access to databases, surveillance cameras and reporting tools that enable them to be more efficient while in the field. Broadband connectivity keeps them more informed of incident situations, increasing the safety of the officers and the public. It is an ideal replacement and upgrade for the soon-to-be-discontinued CDPD network. Motorola offers 10x to 50x the bandwidth of this aging cellular data solution.

In addition to its high data rates, Motorola also offers built-in position location - without the use of GPS equipment. Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) and personnel/asset tracking are just a few of the additional applications that Mesh-Enabled mobile broadband networks provide, which are not available from CDPD or other commercial data networks.

Motorola’ patented and proven peer-to-peer wireless networking, originally developed for the US military, eliminates dependency on public cellular networks and their inherent vulnerability to congestion and failure. Multi-hopping™ routing technology effectively makes Law Enforcement vehicles, foot officers, call boxes and other devices act as router/repeaters for all other devices in the network. This creates a highly distributed, robust, and reliable communications system. It offers the wide area coverage and mobile communications capabilities found in cellular systems, while providing far greater data rates and redundancy. Law Enforcement agencies can get all of these features today, without high, monthly, carrier access charges.

Click on the Diagram below for an interactive tour of
Motorola's Law Enforcement solution.
108k - Requires Macromedia Flash Player

Law Enforcement - Application Overview Sheet 217k
White Paper: Mesh-Enabled Solutions for
Law Enforcement Agencies

Benefits of a Motorola Mesh Network Solution

One Network, Many Solutions
Motorola offers the only single network solution that provides a robust distributed mobile communications system for broadband data, video, and voice back-up - when and where it is needed: While in transit to, and at, an incident site.

Don’t be Handcuffed!
Mesh-Enabled networks can be quickly and inexpensively deployed to meet budget requirements and eliminate the high cost of monthly cellular access and equipment charges. And unlike 802.11, Law Enforcement personnel are not tied to pre-defined hot spots in order to have high bandwidth wireless connectivity.

System Busy? Not with Motorola.
Will your critical data get through the public cellular network during peak usage hours or when a disaster strikes? At these same times, every other public cellular user is also trying to get on the network. With a Motorola solution, every Mesh-Enabled device builds and selects routes that optimize throughput and minimize congestion. Devices can "hop" through each other to reach multiple network access points – avoiding congested and overload nodes. The result is better performance, maximum throughput and increased reliability.

Upgrade Your 'Sneaker-net' to the Wireless Internet
Communications between agencies during an incident today typically involves runners carrying notes between commanders. Motorola's Mobility Enabled Access (MEA) solution provides end-to-end IP protocol support, which allows agencies to share information and applications. Mobile Data Terminals (MDTs) and laptops can be instantly Mesh-Enabled with MEA PC cards to form a shared command and communications network anywhere, and at anytime.

Connect in Town or Cross Country
Motorola provides SWAT, incident response and other specialized units with an on-scene, instantly deployable, tactical data communications network. Video from supporting aircraft can be sent to ground units to improve situational awareness. Since MOTOMESH networks are IP based, these units can also be linked directly to local command centers or federal agencies across the country.

Location, Location, Location
In addition to its data communications capabilities, every Mesh-Enabled device has built-in position location capabilities – that don't require the use of GPS satellites. This means that Law Enforcement assets can be instantly located in a city, county or even inside a multi-story building

Law Enforcement Applications of a Motorola Mesh Network Solution

In-Field Report Submission
Officers can submit reports wirelessly, without being anchored to tiny “hot spots” like WiFi-based approaches. Wide area and high-bandwidth connectivity gives access where it’s needed most – on the way to, or at the scene of an incident.

Wide Area Data Connectivity
A MEA Network is the perfect solution for agencies being forced to find a CDPD replacement. It offers up to 50 times the data rate of CDPD, so it can support today’s new data-intensive dispatch and incident reporting applications.

Incident Communications
MEA Technology enables broadband networks to form instantly, without requiring existing infrastructure. User devices become the network - forming a mesh of wireless broadband coverage on-site.

Asset Tracking and Location
Mesh enabled Law Enforcement vehicles can provide continuous updates on location, route taken to incident sites, distance from a location and estimated time of arrival. Other MEA devices, such as bomb disposal robots or K-9 assets, are also tracked in real-time.

Voice Back-Up
Voice over IP (VoIP) and voice messaging capabilities provide an emergency back-up to the primary voice radio system.

Video Monitoring
Video can be streamed to and from officers in the field, including video feeds from helicopters. Mesh enabled video cameras can be deployed quickly to monitor highways, public buildings and other at-risk targets.

Desktop Applications In the Field
Emails with attachments, database look-ups, instant messaging and high-speed file transfer are a few of the applications that become practical with MEA broadband data throughput rates.

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