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Mesh Network Solutions for Public Works

Public Works departments can increase efficiency by pushing their desktop applications out to the field using the mobile broadband capabilities of Motorola’s patented MEA (Mobility Enabled Access) technology.  MEA technology enables web based citizen response systems, mobile access to CAD programs, mobile data entry and even remote video surveillance.

A Motorola Mesh Network combined with a web based response system allows residents to report an issue such as a pothole or a malfunctioning streetlight online. MEA’s mobile networking capability enables the citizen requests to go directly to the mobile Public Works representative in the field – who can immediately respond to the citizen’s request.

MEA technology offers the ideal mobile broadband network for CAD programs such as ESRI (Environmental Systems Research Institute), which provides digital rendering of a city’s infrastructure assets. Public Workers can locate a power lines or other infrastructural items on site or when mobile. MEA technology includes inherent position location capability can also provide the approximate distance to work sites and infrastructural items.

By enabling remote data entry, MEA technology improves the efficiency of Public Works departments by providing real time access to data. Thus, public workers enter data directly on their tablets which populate the account software in real time, limiting commutes to headquarters and lowering the rate of errors.

The robust data rates of a Motorola Mesh Network provide the required bandwidth for remote video surveillance of worksites, infrastructure items or city traffic. Public workers can send and receive video streams from mobile vehicles or fixed locations.

A Motorola Mesh network with MEA technology increases the efficiency of Public Works departments by pushing desktop applications out to the field where public workers need them the most.

For additional features and benefits of Motorola solutions for Public Works networks click here.

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