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Mesh-Enabled Solutions
for Defense Agencies

The U.S. Army’s new recruiting slogan “An Army of One” mirrors the military’s efforts to introduce a new war fighting capability. It empowers each individual fighter with the capability to act with the strength and firepower of the entire force around him. The key to this capability is communications technology that requires a minimal amount of fixed infrastructure; delivers secure voice, video and data in real time at broadband data rates; is small and highly portable and is inexpensive enough to be standard issue for every soldier.

Motorola technology enables all the communication devices on the battlefield to become a wireless mesh that will instantly form, heal, and update the network as users come and go. That is, they will associate in an ad hoc manner. Moreover, the devices will continuously and automatically optimize the connections between everyone in the network. This means that users can join and leave the network at will, while the network maintains its overall integrity. Unlike cell-based solutions, a Motorola solution is portable, requiring no infrastructure and it scales as the number of devices increases, network coverage and service levels improve when user density increases.

In cases where a permanent, wide area network is required, Motorola offers a complete broadband wireless infrastructure for fixed, portable and mobile users. It is an ideal high-speed wireless solution for military base and campus networks.

Mesh-Enabled Benefits

Motorola’ wireless solutions are self-forming and self-healing, automatically rerouting communications around points of failure and congestion for better throughput, spectral efficiency and reliability.

Motorola offers a true mobile solution. Connectivity is available to trucks, tanks and even helicopters that are moving at high rates of speed.

Megabit data rates, with burst data rates up to 6 Mbps are supported.

Motorola radio technology offers built-in ranging and positioning capabilities that can be used to locate personnel and assets. This capability is built-in, and does not rely on GPS satellites. Mesh-Enabled devices can typically be located within +/- 10 meters in under one second.

Mesh-Enabled Applications

  • Wireless data networks for military bases
  • Self-forming, self-healing networks for battlefield communications
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