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Wirelessly Connecting the DOTs…
Mesh-Enabled Solutions for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming more important to local, state and federal transportation agencies. ITS has been identified as a way to bolster homeland security, disaster management and overall traffic congestion. New bandwidth intensive devices, such as video surveillance cameras, have typically required the installation of costly fiber runs to each camera location. However, ITS systems also rely on portable and mobile devices - such as traffic sensors, still cameras, message signs and mobile laptop computers. Because of this, DOT agencies have been searching for an ITS networking solution that is less expensive and more flexible for rapid deployment of devices than fiber.

Mesh-Enabled solutions offer the bandwidth needed to support data and video intensive devices, while meeting the need for wide area connectivity to fixed, portable and mobile devices. In addition to its data and video capabilities, Motorola's Mobility Enabled Access (MEA) products also support voice and position location services that can be used to communicate with field personnel and turn their vehicles into real-time traffic probes.

Click on the Diagram below for an interactive tour of
Motorola's ITS solution.
70k - Requires Macromedia Flash Player

Intelligent Transportation Systems - Application Overview Sheet 214k
White Paper: Mesh-Enabled Solutions for
Intelligent Transportation Systems

Mesh-Enabled Benefits

High-Speed Deployments
Mesh-Enabled solutions can be deployed without causing disruption to public traffic, transportation infrastructure or rights-of-way, which occurs frequently with fiber installation. It even supports temporary deployments of mobile signage, sensor or signals for construction, special events and emergencies.

More Megabits Per Mile
Mesh-Enabled solutions are less expensive to purchase and deploy, and allow far more flexiblity than fiber and point-to-point wireless networking solutions.

More than Just Broadband
Motorola is the only company to combine mobile high bandwidth connectivity and Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) capabilities into an integrated network solution. No GPS or proprietary third-party AVL recievers are required, since position location is built into every Motorola mobile broadband product.

Less Infrastructure, More Devices
Mesh-Enabled ITS devices also act as wireless router/repeaters – creating a robust meshed network between devices that minimizes the deployment of network infrastructure. In short, these Mesh-Enabled devices are the network. This minimizes build-out costs and simplifies deployment.

Connecting the DOT’s
In addition to linking ITS elements together, the network creates a telematics infrastructure that supports connectivity to mobile users - even when moving at highway speeds. DOT and other field staff can have instant access to e-mail, databases, position location and video feeds from anywhere on the network by Mesh-Enabling their laptops or handheld computers.

Mesh-Enabled Applications

  • Video surveillance and traffic monitoring cameras
  • Traffic and environmental sensor monitoring
  • Fixed & portable Variable Message Signs
  • Adaptive Traffic Signals
  • Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)
  • Remote reporting and database access
  • Fleet management and communications
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